Unidentified items will have their names displayed in an Outlined style.
All actions can be completed either by clicking on the appropriate button, or by pressing the highlighted letter on the keyboard. Also, the left and right arrow keys will select which character is displayed.
To wear or remove an item, double-click on that item or hold down command & single click the item. You may also use the up and down arrow keys to select items, and the return, enter or space key to wear or remove an item as well.
Use: Allows the PC to use an item such as a potion or magic item. NOTE: this is not the same as wearing and unwearing an item. If you wish to use an item during an encounter select the item you wish to use and click this button.
Show: Displays a fact sheet giving known information about the item. If the item is not identified, the fact sheet (shown below) will be incomplete and will only display what you know about the item. You may also hold the Option key and click on an item to bring up the fact sheet. Option click will bring up the fact sheet in the shop and treasure collection screens as well.
Cast Identify: Providing someone on the party can cast IDENTIFY they will identify the selected item. The true name of the item will now be displayed and the fact sheet will be complete. Spell points will be deducted from the PC who casts identify. If an item is already identified then no points will be deducted.
Pay To Identify: Provided there is a shop or temple available to the party and the party has at least 20 gold pieces, the shopkeeper or priest will identify the item. This has all the same effects as if you cast Identify yourself, but you won't lose any spell points. If an item is already identified then no gold will be deducted.
Drop: This item will drop the item from the PC's inventory permanently. Once an item is dropped, there is no way to retrieve it.
Join/Split: Some identical items may be combined in order to save space. Rations, Potions, Torches etc... can be combined with similar objects.
Fact Sheet
Displayed when you describe or identify an item. The fact sheet will tell of any special abilities imparted by an item, as well as which race and class can wear or use a particular item.
It also gives miscellaneous facts such as magical bonus, weight, any adjustment to the wearer's strength, luck, armor category, movement, magic resistance or maximum spell points. In addition, the amount of damage a weapon or item inflicts will be displayed.
Small: The amount of damage the weapon will inflict on all opponents that are less than four hexes in size.
Large: The amount of damage the weapon will inflict on all opponents that are four hexes in size.
Heat, Cold, Electric: The amount of extra damage caused due to these properties. Example: Sting is a magical dagger that has a flaming blade. It will do normal damage for a +3 dagger plus 1 to 4 additional points of heat damage.
Evil, Undead, Demonic: The amount of extra damage caused due to these properties. Example: A mace of disruption is a magical mace that does additional damage to a wide range of evil creatures. It will do normal damage for a +2 mace plus 1 to 24 additional points of damage to any undead creature, 1 to 12 points of damage to any creature that is a demon or devil plus 1 to 6 points of damage to any creature that is lawfully evil.
Most items that are worn will only allow you to wear one at a time. i.e. You can't wear two sets of gloves. You can, however, wear two rings, but they must be of different types. In addition, you can equip one melee weapon such as a sword or club, and one missile weapon such as a bow or throwing stars. During combat you can toggle the active 'ready' weapon between the melee and missile weapon.
Some items also require 2 hands to use, such as a Two-Handed Sword or Pike Axe. If you equip a weapon of this type, you may not equip a shield. The limitation of the number of hands you have does not apply to missile weapons. A missile weapon can be used in combat without having to remove your shield.
Unique items in the world of Realmz
As you adventure around you will find countless items. Some items are unique in the world of Realmz. If during the collection of any treasure you pick up an item that is unique and a PC in your party already has one then you will not be allowed to take that item. Even though the items are unique, because of the Re-Playability of the scenarios and the fact the PCs keep their items, it is possible to find more than one of the same unique item.